Self-Diagnosis Questionnaire
If you have four or more from one or all categories then there is a problem and you should seek Ruqyah.
Do you see your face pale or dark?
Do you feel hopeless, careless, lazy?
Do you say I have had enough I wish I die?
Have you thought of suicide?
Do you find it hard to sleep at night?
Do you feel sleepy during the day?
Do you sweat from your forehead, back, hands and feet especially at night?
Do you have pain in your shoulders and lower back?
Do you go to toilet a lot to urinate?
When you look in the mirror do you think you are ugly?
When you brush your hair do you lose a lot?
Does your body smell even if you had a shower?
Does your breath smell?
Does your belly get bloated?
Do you have spots on your body?
Do you have scratch marks that you don't know how you got them?
Do you have bruises that you don't know how you got them?
Are you suspicious?
Do you have bad dreams snakes, scorpions, see yourself falling, graveyards, blood, water?
Do you have anxiety and depression?
Do you scare for no reason?
Are you lazy of doing your prayer?
Do you feel distant from your family?
Do you have panic attacks?
Do you have doubts about the religion Allah?
Delusion is a serious mental illness. If a person is overcome by delusions, it is difficult to escape from them. No person is free of delusions that sometimes come to him, and in some cases life is delusion upon delusion, to such an extent that the delusions have a greater influence on a person than does reality. With the spread of treatment by means of the Qur'an and people seeing cases of epilepsy, and the spread of stories, whether from people who have gone for treatment or from books, delusions have started to encroach upon the minds of many people as a result of the many problems of life. Even those who are righteous and upright in their religious commitment are not free from the problems of delusion.
In fact if the disease of delusion strikes a man, it is one of the most serious kinds of disease, for jinn possession may be dealt with by reciting the Qur'an as a Ruqyah, but the disease of delusion is a vicious circle. Similarly, some people may imagine that they have been bewitched or that so-and-so has put a spell on them because of some problem between them, so their thinking becomes confused and their lives become chaotic, and they tell themselves that they have been bewitched.
If the delusion of having being possessed by the jinn or having been bewitched takes hold of a person, then his thinking becomes confused and his life becomes chaotic; his glands start to malfunction and the signs of possession or bewitchment appear in him. He may suffer convulsions or lose consciousness as the result of what modern psychology calls autosuggestion.
Then anxiety accompanied by intense fear starts to take over his life. His nervous system begins to malfunction, the muscles of the heart tense up and physical symptoms appear. The sick person feels pain in the area of the heart and the pain increases as the fear grows. Other symptoms appear as the result of the malfunction in the nervous system, and there is no part of the body which is not affected by this case of anxiety.
The heart rate increases and may become irregular, the blood pressure rises, the digestive system malfunctions, pains develop in the stomach and the patient's sexual desire may be affected so that he feels no attraction towards his wife; The muscles of the body become tense, and muscle tension in the head leads to migraines.
In fact many of those who go to those who offer treatment using the Noble Qur'an are suffering from delusions. Very few of them are actually possessed by the jinn, even though they may show symptoms of jinn possession. The fact of the matter, as supported by psychology, is that ongoing anxiety does indeed cause real physical illness, so the pain becomes a physical reality, not just tension. Anxiety may cause stomach ulcers, angina and other problems, which changes a person's life and causes him to lose ambition and neglect his work; it also causes disruption in his marital life, and he becomes a prisoner to delusion and fear.
There is a real remedy for this problem, to be found in psychology if the person has been overtaken by delusions for a long time. If the problem has only recently begun, however, he must recite prayers for protection.
Definition of epilepsy
Doctors have not been able to give a comprehensive and definitive definition of epilepsy, because of the numerous clinical manifestations of epilepsy, including convulsions.
Epileptic seizures
Doctors use the phrase "epileptic seizure" to describe the sudden attack that happens to a patient, characterized by tension and snaking, accompanied by loss of consciousness. Doctors divide epileptic seizures into two types, grand mal and petit mal. Grand mal seizures are accompanied by a loss of consciousness, whereas petit mal seizures may occur in the early stages and may not be noticed by the patient or by those around him. They last for 3-10 seconds and are not usually accompanied by convulsions. They usually occur suddenly, whereby you will see the patient stop speaking for a moment and then carry on with some loss of focus, or moving from speaking in detail to mumbling. The patient may stare into space for a moment and the go back to what he was doing.
Causes of epilepsy
Doctors link epileptic seizures to three factors, namely:
1. Individual potential and heredity
2. Problems in the brain
3. Changes in neurological activity
But there is another important cause of epilepsy which is that it may be caused by jinn possession. This is something which many doctors do not wish to acknowledge, despite the fact that they admit that there are some kinds of epilepsy for which modern science cannot discover the cause. What is even stranger is that many of those who deny this are from among our own people, whereas many doctors in the West acknowledge this kind of epilepsy.
Depression refers to intense sadness. It is a widespread mental illness, indeed one of the most widespread. As for mild sadness or feeling "blue", this is a normal and natural emotion which hardly anyone can escape, not even a believer. Allah says:
Secret counsels (conspiracies) are only from Shaytan (Satan), in order that he may cause grief to the believers. (Al-Mujaddilah 58:10)
If that sadness increases and takes over a person, it becomes depression.
Signs of depression:
1. Feeling distressed and sad
2. Loss of appetite
3. Lack of focus, forgetfulness
4. Sleep disturbances, weight loss
5. Lack of sexual desire
Causes of depression
1. External causes
These are factors that are outside a person, such as life events like losing a loved one, or losing money or social standing. If this person does not have the protection of faith, he will go through several stages until he reaches the stage of depression.
2. Internal causes
These have to do with the person's physical make-up, such as brain cells, a lack of thyroid hormones or a lack of certain vitamins.
Symptoms of jinn possession
Those who have written on this topic have listed several symptoms of jinn possession. These symptoms may be real, but we must point out that some of these symptoms may also occur for other reasons, such as staying up all night, or confusion and uncertainty. So we must try to protect ourselves from the whispers that the Shaytan tries to instill in our hearts, when reading this list of symptoms. These symptoms have been divided into two categories: those which occur when one is awake, and those which occur when one is asleep.
A - Symptoms when one is awake
1. Turning away, in particular, from acts of worship and obedience, the remembrance of Allah (Dhikr) and reading the Qur'an. Allah says: (And whosoever turns away blindly from the remembrance of the Most Gracious (Allah) (i.e. this Qur'an and worship of Allah), We appoint for him Shaytan (Satan - devil) to be a Qarin (a companion) to him. And verily, they (Satans/devils) hinder them from the path (of Allah), but they think that they are guided aright!)(Al-Zukhruf 43:36-37)
2.Erratic behavior in one's words, deeds and movements. Allah says Those who eat Riba will not stand (on the Day of Resurrection) except like the standing of a person beaten by Shaytan (Satan) leading him to insanity. (Al-Baqarah 2:275)
3.Seizures (with no medical cause); there are signs to indicate that a seizure has devilish causes.
4. Paralysis of a limb (with no medical cause).
5. Being quick to get angry or weep with no apparent cause.
6. Sitting in the toilet for a long time, and talking to oneself.
7. Constant headache (on one or both sides of the head) with no medical cause, which is not eased by painkillers.
8. Irregular menstruation in women.
9. Not producing children although both husband and wife are medically sound and able to reproduce.
There are other signs when one is awake, but they may be caused by other life circumstances, such as not succeeding in efforts to get married, repeatedly failing to do so, or a wife becoming very distressed when her husband has intercourse with her.
B - Symptoms when one is asleep
1. Frightening nightmares, which includes seeing various kinds of creatures such as ghosts or apparitions, seeing oneself falling from a high place, seeing people in strange forms, and snakes. A man may see a woman who wants him to have intercourse with her (and vice versa) constantly in his dreams, or he may see someone threatening him.
2. Insomnia, anxiety and fear upon waking.
3. Talking loudly in one's sleep, or moaning and groaning.
Note: A person should not be regarded as being possessed by the jinn if any of these symptoms occur. No one can be certain that a person has been possessed by the jinn until after the Qur'an has been recited over him, so these symptoms cannot be taken as definitive evidence of jinn possession.
Kinds of sickness and harm caused by the jinn
The jinn may cause many different types of sickness and harm to humans, affecting their psychology, moods, body, wealth, possessions, business, relations with others or studies.
The sicknesses that we are going to discuss may happen either because of the human being overpowered by the jinn, or because of witchcraft. We will discuss the remedies for these sicknesses in the light of the Qur'an and Sunnah. These sicknesses include the following:
1. Intense fear
2. Psychological and nervous diseases (insanity, depression, anxiety, tension, epilepsy, waswas (whispers from the Shaytan), personality disorders)
3. Physical sickness (i.e., physical sickness that human medicine is unable to treat, and for which there is no medical cause)
4. Hallucinations
5. Stirring up hatred between people, causing enmity and division between people such as husband and wife, business partners, friends, family
6. Female diseases (infertility, heavy bleeding and menstrual irregularities, infections)
7. Sexual problems (impotency, premature ejaculation)
8. Tampering with and causing damage to houses and material possessions (causing fires, throwing furniture about, throwing stones at the house)
Different Types of Sihr
Sihr of Separation
Allah ('Azza wa Jalla) says: (...and they follow what the Satans recited over Sulayman's Kingdom. Sulayman disbelieved not but the Satans disbelieved, teaching the people sorcery, and that which was sent down upon Babylon's two angels, Harut and Marut; they taught not any man, without they said, 'We are but a temptation; do not disbelieve.' From them they learned how they might divide a man and his wife, yet they did not hurt any man thereby, save by the leave of Allah, and they learnt what they hurt them and did not profit them, knowing well that whosoever buys it shall have no share in the world to come; evil then was that they sold themselves for; if they had but known.) (2:102)
Jabir (RA) reported that the Prophet (Peace and Blessing upon Him) said: "Iblis would lay his throne on water and would send his brigade of demons. The lowest among them in rank is the one who is most notorious in stirring up fitna. One of the demons would, after a mission, come and say to Iblis, 'I have done so and so.' Iblis would reply, 'You have not done anything.' Another one would come and say: 'I have not left such and such person until I separated him from his wife.' Iblis would come closer to his demon and say, 'How good you are.'" Muslim in An-Nawawi : 17/157
Definition of Sihr of Separation
It is a sihr which aims to separate between two spouses, or stir up hatred between two friends or two partners.
Types of Sihr of Separation
1. Separating a person from his/her mother
2. Separating a person from his/her father
3. Separating a person from his/her brother
4. Separating a person from his/her friend
5. Separating a person from his/her business partner
6. Separating a person from his/her spouse. This is the most dangerous and prevalent type
Symptoms of Sihr of Separation
1. A sudden change in attitude from love to hate.
2. A great deal of suspicion is aroused between the two people concerned.
3. No excuses are accepted by either party, even if one of them is in the wrong.
4. Exaggerating the causes of disputes between two people, even though they may be trivial.
5. Changing the mental image that a woman may have of her husband, or changing the mental image that a man may have of his wife; so that the man would see his wife in an ugly way, even though she were beautiful. In reality, it is the demon who is entrusted with the task of performing this type of sihr is the one who would appear to the husband in her person, but in an ugly way. By the same token, the woman would see her husband in a horrible way.
6. The person affected by sihr hates anything the other party does.
7. The person affected by sihr hates the place in which the other party stays. For instance, a husband may be in good mood when he is outdoors, but when he returns home, he feels quiete depressed.
According to Al-Hafidh Ibn Kathir, the cause of separation between two spouses through this sihr is that each of them appears to the other as an ugly or ill-mannered person. Tafsir lbn Kathir: 1/144
How does the sihr of separation take place?
A person goes to a sorcerer and requests that a certain person be separated from his wife. The sorcerer would ask his client to provide the name of the person and that of his mother, and traces of the person's smell from his/her hair, garment or handkerchief etc... If this is too difficult to obtain, the sorcerer would perform sihr on some water, then ask his client to spill it along the way which that person normally uses. If person crosses the place of water, then he/she would be affected by sihr. Another way of doing it is by adding the water into his food or drink.
Different Types of Sihr
Sihr Al-Mahabba/At-Tiwala (Love)
The Prophet (Peace and Blessing upon Him) said: "Ar-ruqa, at-tama'im and at-tiwala are acts of polytheism." Transmitted by Imam Ahmad (1/381), Abu Dawud (3883), Ibn Majja (3530) and Al-Hakim (4/418)
According to Ibn Al-Athir, at-tiwala is a type of sihr which makes a man love his wife. The reason why this type of sihr is classed by the Prophet (Peace and Blessing upon Him) as an act of polytheism is because those who have it done for them believe that it has an effect and does the opposite of what Allah ('Azza wa Jalla) has prescribed. An-Nihaya: 1/200
I would like to emphasise that the ruqyah referred to in the above hadith is the one which seeks the assistance of Jinn and devils and consists of acts classed as polytheistic. However, the ruqyah which is based on the Qur'an and lawful supplications of Allah is lawful, according to scholars. It is reported in Sahih Muslim that the Prophet (Peace and Blessing upon Him) was quoted as saying: "There is no harm in using ruqyah as a means of treatment provided it does not consist of anything polytheistic."
Symptoms of Sihr of Love
1. Excessive love and passion.
2. Extreme desire to have sexual intercourse.
3. Impatience of remaining without having sexual intercourse.
4. Extreme lust at the sight of one's wife.
5. Blind obedience to one's wife.
How the Sihr of Love Takes Place?
Marital squabbles often happen and are resolved within a short time, and life goes back to normal between a man and his wife. However, a woman who cannot show patience, would immediately go to a sahir and ask him to work out a sihr which would let her be very much loved by her husband. This may be due to a defect in her faith, or to her ignorance of the fact that this is unlawful. The sahir would ask her to provide a trace of her husband's scent (a handkerchief, cap, piece of cloth or flannel) provided that these items contain the smell of her husband's sweat so they should not be new or clean. The sahir would take some threads from these items, blow on them, tie a knot around them, and ask the woman to bury them in a deserted place. The sahir would also prepare a spell in water or food -the worst sihr is done in filth or menses discharge- and ask the woman to put it in her husband's food, drink or perfume.
Adverse Effects of Sihr of Love
1. Sometimes a man falls ill as a result of this sihr. I even heard that a man was ill for about three years.
2. Sometimes the sihr backfires, and the man would hate his wife. This is due to a lack of knowledge of the principles of sihr.
3. Sometimes a woman asks the sahir to prepare a double-effect sihr which makes her husband love her alone and hate all other women. This results in the man's hating his mother, sisters, maternal aunts, paternal aunts and all female kinship.
4. Sometimes the double-effect sihr backfires, and the man ends up by hating all women, even his wife. I knew a similar case in which a man hated his wife and eventually divorced her. The woman went back to the sorcerer to cancel the sihr, only to find that the sahir had died.
Causes of Sihr of Love
1. Marital squabbles
2. The woman runs after her husband's wealth, especially if he is rich.
3. The woman suspects that her husband is going to marry another woman - although this is lawful under Islamic Law- and there is no harm in it. However, a woman of the present time, especially one influenced by the destructive media, would believe that if her husband wants to marry another woman it means that he does not love her anymore. This is a gross mistake because there are several factors which cause a man to marry up to four women, despite his love of the first wife. There is, for instance, his desire to have many children, his inability to stay without sexual intercourse during his wife's menstruation, during her post-natal bleeding {damu an-nifas), or his intention to establish a relationship with a certain family.
Lawful Manners
This is my advice to a Muslim woman that if she wants to enchant her husband, she can do so by:
- Making herself look very beautiful and attractive to her husband, without letting him come across any ugly feature or unpleasant smell in you.
- Giving him a nice smile.
- Talking to him nicely.
- Keeping good company with him
- Safeguarding his wealth
- Taking good care of your children
- Obeying him in all matters, except a matter in which he obliges you to disobey Allah.
However, there is a stark contradiction in our society today, concerning these matters. For example, if a woman is invited to a party at her friend's, she would wear her best dress and her best jewelry as if she were on her wedding night. When she comes back home, she takes off her jewelry and puts it back for the next party or the next visit, whilst her poor husband, who has bought that jewelry and that dress is deprived of enjoying her wearing them. He always sees her in old garments, with the smell of cooking, onions and garlic.
If she were a bit considerate, she would realize that her husband is the one who deserves to see her in such a beautiful appearance. Therefore, when your husband goes to work, try to finish the housework, then wash yourself, make yourself look beautiful and attractive, and wait for him. When he comes back home, and sees a beautiful woman before him, finds dinner ready and a tidy home, his love for you will increase and he will feel very much more attached to you. Hence, this is the lawful form of attraction, especially if your intention in making yourself look beautiful is to obey Allah and help your husband abstain from looking at other women. A person who is full up (has eaten food) does not have a desire for food, but a person who is deprived of food has a craving for it.
Sihr At-Takhyil (False Appearance of Objects)
Allah ('Azza wa Jalla) says: They said, "Moses, will you throw something down or shall we be the ones to throw." He said, "You throw!" So when, they charmed people's eyes and overawed them. They produced a splendid sihr. And We revealed to Moses: 'Cast thy staff.' And lo, it forthwith swallowed up their lying invention. So the truth came to pass, and false was proved what they were doing. So they were vanquished there, and they turned about, humbled. And the sorcerers were cast down, bowing themselves. They said, 'We believe in the Lord of al-'Alamin (Jinn and mankind), the Lord of Moses and Harun. (7:117-122)
They said, "Moses, either you will cast (something) or shall we be the first to cast (a spell)? It seemed to him under the effect of their sihr that their ropes and stuff were sliding. (17:65-66)
1. A fixed object would appear to be mobile, while a mobile object would appear to be fixed for the viewer.
2. A small object would appear large, while a large object would appear small for the viewer.
3. The false appearance of objects: Under the effect of the magic of Pharaoh's sorcerers, ropes and rods appeared to viewers as real snakes.
How this is Achieved
A magician would show the viewers a familiar object; then with an incantation and the support of some demons, the object would appear in a form other than its real one.
Someone told me that one day a magician recited an incantation and made an egg turn at a high speed.
Another told me that a magician recited an incantation which made two stones fight like a pair of rams.
These are all the tricks a sahir uses in front of people in order to obtain their money or display his dexterity. Sometimes, he includes this type sihr in other types. In the sihr of separation, for example, a man would see his wife in an ugly image, and in the sihr of love, he would see the opposite. These types of sihr are different from charlatanism, which relies on the rapid movement of hands.
Sihr Al-Junun (Lunacy)
Kharija Ibn salat reported that his paternal uncle went to the Prophet (Peace and Blessing upon Him) and declared his conversion to Islam. On his way back, his uncle passed by a people who had fettered a lunatic in chains. They said: "We were told that your companion (the Prophet (Peace and Blessing upon Him)) has brought good with him. Do you have anything with which to cure our lunatic?" I recited al-Fatiha and he was cured. They gave me one hundred sheep and then approached the Prophet (Peace and Blessing upon Him) to inform him of it. He asked: "Did you say anything other than this?" I replied: "No." He said: "Take it, for by my life, some would accept in return for a false ruqyah, but you have done this with a genuine one." According to another narration, "the man cured him by reciting al-Fatiha for three days, day and night; whenever he finished reciting it, he would gather his saliva and spit."
1. Severe absentmindedness and forgetfulness
2. Confused speech
3. Bulging eyes and deviation of sight
4. Restlessness
5. Inability to do a task regularly
6. Disinterest in one's appearance
7. ln severe cases, one can tell from a lunatic's face that he does know where he is going, and he would probably sleep in derelict places
How is it done?
The Jinn entrusted with the sihr enters into the targeted person and settles in his brain, as instructed by the sahir. He then begins pressing on the brain cells for thought, memory and behavior; or managing them in a way which only Allah ('Azza wa Jalla) knows. As a result, symptoms appear on the victim.
Sihr Al-Khumul (Lethargy)
1. Love of seclusion
2. Absolute introversion
3. Constant silence
4. Anti-sociability
5. Absentmindedness
6. Frequent headaches
7. Quietness and constant lethargy
How this happens
A sahir would send a Jinn to the targeted person, instructing him to settle in his brain and make him introverted and lonely. The Jinn would do his best to carry out the mission, and the symptoms of this sihr would appear, according to the strength and weakness of the Jinn entrusted with the task.
Sihr Al-Hawatif (Bad Dreams & Hearing Voices)
1. The patient experiences nightmares.
2. The patient sees in a dream as if someone were calling him.
3. The patient hears voices talking to him when awake, but cannot see where these voices are coming from.
4. The patient hears much whispering (Al-Waswas).
5. The patient is very suspicious of his/her friends and relatives.
6. The patient dreams of seeing himself/herself falling from a high place.
7. The patient dreams of seeing himself/herself being chased by animals.
How this is Achieved
The sahir instructs a Jinn to appear to a person both in dream and in reality, in the form of savage beasts attacking him; to call him when awake in voices which he recognizes and which he does not; to cause him to suspect people that are close to him and people who are not. Symptoms may vary according to the power and weakness of the sihr. They may increase to the point of reaching lunacy and may also diminish to the point of being a mere whispering.
Sihr Al-Maradh (Illness)
1. Constant pain in one part of the body
2. Epilepsy
3. Paralysis of one area of the patient's body
4. Total paralysis of the body
5. Disability in of one of the sense organs
I would like to emphasis that some of these symptoms may be similar to those of a normal physical illness. In order to distinguish between the symptoms, the healer should recite the ruqyah over the patient. If the patient feels dizzy, becomes numb, has a headache, or if there is a change in the patient's body during the recitation process, then the healer should assume that these symptoms pertain to the use sihr. But if the patient does not react to the ruqyah, the healer should advice the patient that he/she suffers from a physical illness and should consult a doctor.
How this is Achieved
It is common that the brain is the main regulator of the body. This means that every human organ has a control center in the brain, from which it receives codes. For example, if you try to put your finger in a fire, the finger sends a fast code to the sense center in the brain, and then receives orders from this center, warning it to keep away from the source of danger. In response, the hand moves away from fire. This interaction takes place within a fraction of a second:
This is Allah's Creation; now show me what those have created that are part from Him!(31:11)
Through this sihr, a Jinn settles in a person's brain, in the sensual center of hearing, sight, feeling of the hand or the leg, as directed by the sahir. As a result, the response of a limb may be one out of three conditions:
1. The Jinn may -with Allah's Ability- completely prevent signals from reaching a limb or organ. As a result, a limb stops functioning, so the patient may become blind, dumb, deaf or physically paralyzed.
2. The Jinn may -with Allah's Ability- sometimes prevent signals from reaching a limb or organ, and may sometimes let them reach it. As a result, the limb or organ sometimes functions and sometimes does not.
3. The Jinn may cause the brain to send fast successive signals without any reason. Consequently, the limb may become frigid and unable to move, even if it were not paralyzed.
However, any harm a person sustains, under the effect of sihr depends on Allah's M Will, which should not surprise you:
...yet they did not hurt any man thereby, save by the Leave of Allah. (2:102)
Yet in the past, many doctors would neither acknowledge nor believe this fact. However, when they witnessed several cases, they had no choice but to believe and submit to Allah's ('Azza wa Jalla) Ability. One day, a doctor came to me and said: "I have come to see you about an issue which has shocked me." I said: "What is it?"
He said: 'A man brought his paralyzed to me for treatment. When I examined him, I found that he was suffering from a disease in his vertebrae; a disease which, according to doctors, is incurable, whether through surgery or otherwise. A few weeks later, the man came and I asked him about his paralyzed son. He said, 'Praise be to Allah, my son now can sit down and walk.' I said, 'Who has treated him?' He replied, 'Wahid (author from the book 'Sword against black magic & evil magicians). This is the reason I have come, to find out from you how you treated him.'
I said: "I recited some verses of the Qur'an over him, then recited a ruqyah on al-habba as-sawda' (black seed oil) and advised them to rub it over the paralyzed areas of his body."
Sihr An-Nazif (Bleeding Following Menses)
How it is achieved
This type of sihr affects women only. A sahir sends a Jinn to the targeted woman and instructs him to cause her to bleed. To do so, the Jinn enters the woman's body and circulates in her veins and arteries with the blood. This notion of circulation has long been warned about by the Prophet S in the following tradition: "Satan circulates in man's body like blood." Al-Bukhari (Fath Al-Bari: 4/282) and Muslim (An-Nawawi. 14/155)
When the Jinn reaches a known vein in the woman's womb, he stomps it so that the vein bleeds. This fact was also pointed out by the Prophet S when Hamna bint Jahsh asked his opinion on the issue of bleeding outside the period of menses, and he said: "Such bleeding is but one of Satan's stomping." According to At-Tirmidhi, the above tradition is sound and authentic
According to another tradition, the bleeding "is the result of Satan's stomping on a vein rather than from a normal menses." Imam Ahmad and An-Nasai (a very good chain of transmission)
Therefore, according to both traditions, a menstruation that occurs outside its normal period is one of the Satan's stomps on one of the womb's veins.
According to scholars of Fiqh (jurisprudence), an-nazif refers to al-istihadha (continuous menstruation), and according to doctors, it refers to bleeding.
According to Ibn Al-Athir, al-istihadha means bleeding following a normal menses.
This bleeding may last for months, and the amount of blood could be little or large.
Sihr of Impeding Marriage
How This is Done
A grudging person would go to a wicked sorcerer and requests that a sihr be done to a certain person's daughter to thwart her marriage. The sahir would request her name, her mother's name and a trace of her hair or smell (on a piece of garment). Once these are provided, the sorcerer would work out the appropriate sihr and instruct one Jinn, or more, to stalk the girl until the opportunity comes to enter her, which is often during one of the four occasions:
1. Extreme fear
2. Extreme anger
3. Extreme unawareness
4. Indulgence in pleasure
The Jinn has Two Options
1. If he can enter the girl, then he would cause her to feel uncomfortable with any prospective husband and; thus, turn him down.
2. If he cannot enter the girl, then he would use the sihr of imagination, from outside. As a result, a suitor would see the girl in an ugly image under the effect of the Jinn's whispering, and so would the girl.
Under the effect of this sihr and under the Jinn is whispering, a suitor, who would have initially agreed to the marriage, would decline after a few days, without any valid reason.
In cases of a strong sihr, a suitor would, upon entering the house of his prospective wife, feel very uncomfortable and see darkness before him as if he were in prison, and so would never return.
During the period of this sihr, the Jinn may cause the girl to experience occasional headaches.
1. Occasional headaches, which persist despite medication.
2. Severe tightness in the chest, especially between al-'asr and midnight.
3. The patient sees the suitor in an ugly image.
4. Absentmindedness.
5. Anxiety during sleep.
6. Occasional constant stomach-aches.
7. Pain in the lower part of the back.
Al Sihr Ar-Rabt (Penile Erection Problem during intercourse), Al- 'ajz al-jinsi (impotence) and Adh-dhu'f al-jinsi (sexual weakness)
The man affected by this type of sihr feels active and energetic about having sexual intercourse with his wife. His penis is even erected as long as he is distant from his wife. Nevertheless, as he approaches her, his penis shrinks and is unable to have sexual intercourse.
How Sihr Ar-Rabt is done
The Jinn entrusted with the task of sihr settles in a man's brain, precisely in the centre of sexual excitement which sends codes to the sexual organs; and lets the sexual organs function normally. But, when a man approaches his wife, with the intention of having sexual intercourse, the Jinn thwart the centre of sexual excitement in the brain and blocks the signals sent to the organs which pump blood into the penis for erection. Consequently, the blood drawbacks rapidly from the penis, and the penis shrinks.
A man, for instance, may be normal when making love to his wife; that is, with an erected penis. However, when he is about to penetrate intercourse, his penis shrinks, so he cannot have sexual intercourse; and erection is an essential ingredient in achieving sexual intercourse, as we know. Sometimes a man with two wives may be affected with the sihr of rabt, but only with one wife. This is because the Jinn of this type of sihr only hinders the center of sexual excitement when the man approaches that specific wife.
Ar-Rabt in Women (sexual frigidity)
Just as a man suffers from ar-rabt (penile erection failure) and is unable to have sexual intercourse with his wife, a woman, too, may suffer from ar-rabt (frigidity). There are five types of rabt in women:
1. Rabt al-man'(obstruction): It occurs when a woman prevents her husband from having sexual intercourse with her by tightly joining her legs together and obstructing his penis from entering into her vagina. This reaction is automatic and beyond her control, but one young man whose wife was affected by this type of sihr, criticized his wife for her response, so she explained that it was beyond her control. One day, she told him to put iron shackles between her legs to keep them apart before, starting sexual intercourse. He did that, but it was to no avail. Alternatively, she told him to give her a drug injection if he wants to have sexual intercourse with her. It worked, but only one partner benefited.
2. Rabt at-taballud (lack of sexual feeling): The Jinn entrusted with the mission of sihr settles in the centre of sexual feeling in the woman's brain and causes her to lose her sexual feeling, at the moment of sexual intercourse with her husband. As a result, she feels no sexual pleasure and does not respond to her husband. Her body becomes numb even if her husband does what he wishes with her. In this type of sihr, the glands do not release the fluid which lubricates the vagina, and therefore, the sexual act cannot be achieved.
3. Rabt An-nazif (bleeding at the time of sexual intercourse): This is different from sihr an-nazif in one aspect. While, rabt An-nazif is confined to the time of sexual intercourse, sihr an-nazif may last for several days. In this type of sihr, the Jinn causes heavy bleeding to the targeted woman at the time of sexual intercourse with her husband, and thus prevents the man from having sexual intercourse with his wife. One day, one man, who was a soldier, told me that whenever he came home for holidays, his wife would bleed as soon as he arrived home. The bleeding would last for the holiday period which was approximately five days, but would stop as soon as he went back to work.
4. Rabt Al-lnsidad (blockage in the vagina): It occurs when a man finds an obstacle of flesh in the vagina which prevents the penetration of the penis, so the sexual intercourse is not achieved.
5. Rabt At-taghwir (loss of virginity): It occurs when a man marries a virgin woman, but finds her to be without her virginity at their first sexual intercourse. As a result, doubts are raised concerning her past. However, the virginity returns once the sihr is neutralized.
Al-'ajzal-jinsi (sexual inability / impotence):
It means a man's inability to have sexual intercourse with his wife, whether he is distant from or near her, as his penis cannot erect.
Adh-dhu'f al-jinsi (sexual weakness):
A man can only have sexual intercourse with his wife after long periods. Sexual intercourse takes place for only a short time; after which the penis looses its rigidity.
Types and Causes of Sterility
There are two types:
1. Organic Sterility: This type may be treated by doctors if they could.
2. Sterility caused by Sihr. This type is caused by the Jin/is presence in a man's body.
It is treated with the Qur'an and invocations of Allah
Generally, fertility in men requires that the sperm count be at least twenty million per cubic centimetre of semen. Sometimes, a Jinn may interfere with one of the teste which produce spermatozoa, by pressing it or by other means; so that the testis would not produce the required sperm count to fertilize an ovum.
When the spermatozoa move from the testes to the gonocyte, they require much clear fluid which is secreted and poured into the gonocyte by a specific gland. This fluid acts as nourishment for the spermatozoa stored in the gonocyte. Again, the Jinn interferes in this process by preventing the gland from secreting the clear fluid; and thus, denying the spermatozoa stored in the gonocyte of their nourishment. As a result of this Satanic interference, the spermatozoa die and fertilization is not achieved.
Difference between Natural Sterility and Sterility caused by Sihr
Sterility caused by sihr has the following symptoms:
1. A tightness in the chest, which begins at al-asr and may last until midnight.
2. Absentmindedness.
3. Pain in the lower part of the spine.
4. Anxiety during sleep.
5. Nightmares.
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