Ruqyah Shop

Ruqyah Olive Oil
Olives are a truly amazing and blessed fruit! They are mentioned in the Qur’an six times, as well as being alluded to a seventh time in Surah Yusuf, so it’s time to start paying attention to their nutritional, medicinal and cosmetic benefits!
Ibn Al-Qayyim encourages the use of olives and their oil. The Prophet (saw) said, ‘Eat the oil (of olives) and use it on your hair and skin, for it comes from a blessed tree’. (Tirmidhi)

Extra Virgin Edible Olive Oil
Size : 120 ml
Price : 700Rs

Ruqyah Water
Ruqya water is a method carried out in which one recites the verses of the Qur’an and then spittle’s dryly over the water. According to Shar’i evidence, the most prominent verses that are prescribed are Surah al Fatiha, al-Miwadhatayn and Ayatul Kursey. Along with the verses from Qur’an, the Asma wa Sifaat (names and attributes of Allah).

Size: 500ml
Price: 300Rs

Ruqyah ZAmZam
Ruqya must be performed in adherence to the Qur’an and Sunnah and it is an essential principle that the one who is conducting Ruqya comprehends that the power of healing from all diseases and illnesses belongs to Allah and Allah alone. ZamZam water as it is the purest of all waters.

Size: 500ml
Price: 1000Rs

Ruqyah Honey
As well providing a cure, Ruqyah is an excellent way for the believers to build theirImān and reaffirm their tawhīd for Allah جل جلاله .Indeed seeking treatment through the Qur’ān demonstrates complete belief in the Book of Allah جل جلاله. The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said: “Make good use of the two cures: honey and the Qur’ān.” (Ibn Mājah) 

Size: 250gm
Prce: 1000Rs

Ruqyah Ajwa
Al-Bukhaari (5445) and Muslim (2047) narrated from Sa‘d ibn Abi Waqqaas that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever eats seven ‘ajwah dates in the morning, will not be harmed by any poison or witchcraft that day.” 

Size: 250gm
Price: 1200Rs

Ruqyah Senna
Senna has been used as traditional medicine by ancient cultures all over the world for millennia. Senna is an Arabian name and 9th-century writings describe how it was used extensively by Arabian physicians. According to a rare Egyptian medical papyrus, dating to the 16th century BCE, Senna was prescribed by the physicians for their distinguished patients.

Size: 100Gm
Price: 600Rs
Ruqyah Sider Powder
Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar Al-'Asqalani (rahimuAllah) said in Al-Fath that Ibn Abtal stated in the books of Wahab bin Menabah to take seven leaves of a green Sidr, grind them with two rocks, add water to it, read the verse of Al Kursi (2:255) and Al-Qawakil (the Surah's which start with "Qul"), take three sips, then wash up with the rest. This will remove all of his afflictions, and is a cure for men who have sexual disorders. (Fath Al-Bari -10/233)

Price: 800Rs

Aisha (R.A) used to recommend At-Talbina for the sick and for such a person as grieved over a dead person. She used to say, "I heard Allah's Apostle saying, 'At-Talbina gives rest to the heart of the patient and makes it active and relieves some of his sorrow and grief.' "

Size: 250gm
Price: 600Rs

Ruqyah Henna

The Prophet used Henna both as a dye for his hair and for healing ailments of the body. Today, scientists are discovering the great advantages and strengths possessed by it. To the extent that it is sometimes termed the "Magic Plant".

Size: 250gm
Price: 500Rs

Ruqyah Black Seed
Organic Nigella Seeds (also known as black seeds, black cumen), used in ruqya for treating sihr (black magic), jinn-possession and evil eye. Mentioned by the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him)" Hold on to the use of the black seed for indeed it has a remedy for every disease except death"

Ruqyah Custus
The Prophet ﷺ said: “Use Oud al Hindi (Indian costus/qust al hindi) as it contains seven cures.” (Abu Dawud 3877). it is inhaled through the nostrils to relive throat aches/tonsillitis and placed in the sides of the mouth for the relief of Dhaat al-Janb.

Size: 100gm
Price: 800Rs


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