Many times we think that the afflictions that we face can be easily explained away with Medical Science or mere paranoia, but it is not always that simple. We may be running to people who we think to be professionals, but most of the time what we suffer from is spiritual illness. By no means is this a shunning of modern medicine, but a call for us to delve deeper into the unseen, to connect with Allah and His Message. For your health, well-being and for the love of those around you, please do this 7 Days Ruqyah Detoxification Program. There are unseen factors at play in our day to day lives, know them, protect yourself from them and learn how to heal from them according to the Qur’an and the Sunnah of our Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
For all those people who complain of problems relating to health, oxidative stress, Metabolic problem, mental illness, drugs addiction, jinn, magic, and the evil eye. We used it for many years with a great deal of success, because it is made up of a number of things that we are told are shifaa’ in the Qur’aan and the Sunnah.
A number of people may ask: “Where is the proof for this from the Qur’an and the Sunnah?” We say that “Seeking a cure with the Noble Qur’an, Sidr Honey and Olive Oil and the likes are from the permissible Medicines and do not fall within the category of innovation, rather they fall within the category of Prophetic Medicine (Tibb-e-Nabawi). The Prophet (SAW) said, ‘O Slaves of Allah, seek a cure and do not seek a cure from the haram.’ And it is authentically reported in Sunan Abi Dawood that the Prophet (SAW) read upon water in a vessel and poured it over a sick person. From this we know that seeking a cure by reading over water and honey and the likes are permissible, and there is nothing wrong with them from an Islamic point of view, as long as what is read on them is from Quran, and the Prophetic Medicine [i.e., water, honey, Black Seed (Kalonji) etc] is something permissible [to eat/drink].”
However, this does give us an important benefit, which is that as long as the program is not – as a whole – mentioned in the Sunnah, then it is not necessary for every single part to be carried out without any change. So, if a diabetic cannot eat honey, they can miss it out, and although we would recommend doing the program exactly as mentioned, we hope that there is no harm in that.
7 Days Ruqyah Detoxification Program
Before beginning:
Humble yourself before Allah
Make du‘aa (Fortress of the Muslim: Invocations from the Qur’an & Sunnah) the times when your du‘aa is accepted, like the time between the adhaan and the iqaamah, the last third of the night, between ‘Asr and Maghrib on a Friday (because the Prophet – may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him – said, “Indeed on the day of Jumu’ah there is a period of time, no believing servant encounters it, asking Allah for the good of this world and the next, except that he is given it.”), and so on. {See:}
We will provide you following things.
- Ruqyah ZamZam Water Or Rain Water or Simple Water
- Ruqyah Olive Oil (Organic Cold Pressed Extra Virgin)
- Ruqyah Honey (Sidr honey, Manuka honey)
- Ruqyah Black Seeds (Organic, – the scientific name is Nigella Sativa)
To do at Home:
Day 1-3
Take two tablespoons of honey and dissolve them in a cup of the water. Add seven seeds of black seed and drink. Do this three times per day.
Before sleep, anoint the entire body from head to foot with the olive oil that has been read upon.
Upon waking, wash the entire body with water and soap. Then, take half a cup of the water that has been read upon and add it to a bucket or other container. Fill up the bucket with water from the tap and wash the entire body.
Continue this for three whole days
Day 4-7:
Use olive oil that has been read upon to anoint any areas where pain is found, if any.
Take two tablespoons of honey and dissolve them in a cup of the water. Add seven seeds of black seed and drink. Do this three times per day.
What to Expect:
On the first day, you will most likely not feel anything.
On the second and third day, you may feel very ill. You may feel excessive tiredness, pain all over the body, or in certain places, or aches and pains as though you carried out strenuous exercise.
By the fourth day, you may feel completely refreshed, as though you have a lot of energy – with the permission of Allah.
The aches and pains will gradually go away, in shaa’ Allah, over the course of the 7 days.
{If the patient does not feel better, or the 7 day program has resulted in a worsening of symptoms, then we advise to move on to the full ruqyah program, of which the 7 day program is repeated 1-2 times a month, in addition to other ruqyah.}